America's Forgotten Triumph

ABOUT Skylab

"Skylab was the impossible achieved by the tenacious effort of a top group of thousands of people with great integrity and a “CAN DO” spirit."

Cpt. Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut & Backup Commander on Skylab.

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"Skylab was the impossible achieved by the tenacious effort of a top group of thousands of people with great integrity and a “CAN DO” spirit."

Cpt. Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut & Backup Commander on Skylab.

"This project gathered such a tremendous amount of knowledge for developing man's conquest of space and for studying our planet."
Bill Weaver, Aerospace Engineer at U.S. Space & Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL

See the latest interviews with Skylab astronauts:
Paul Weitz | Joe Kerwin | Owen Garriott | Jack Lousma | Jerry Carr | Ed Gibson | Vance Brand | Bruce McCandless

"I learned new stuff about the mission."
Anonymous, Audience

"I liked the original footage of astronauts."
Anonymous, Audience

"I loved the NASA historic footage!"
Anonymous, Audience

"I liked hearing the astronauts tell their own story."
Anonymous, Audience

"Told a true unknown story."
Anonymous, Audience

What was Skylab?

America’s first manned space station
 launched May 14, 1973

Following the Apollo Moon landings , the experimental Skylab Space Station was in NASA's own words:
(...) the most ambitious and long-lived manned space research effort yet undertaken.
NASA Publication 
by the Experiment Development and Payload Evaluation Project

What was Skylab?

PURPOSE: to look at Earth, take measurements and decide how man can improve life thereon. Skylab was for NASA an important step in preparing for future routine space operations with the advent of the cheaper space shuttles.

It was to probe the sun as the main source of energy and  evaluate man's ability to live and work in space over long periods of time.
PURPOSE: to look at Earth, take measurements and decide how man can improve life thereon. 

Skylab was for NASA an important step in preparing for future routine space operations with the advent of the cheaper space shuttles.

It was to probe the sun as the main source of energy and  evaluate man's ability to live and work in space over long periods of time.

What was Skylab?

America’s first manned space station
 launched May 14, 1973

Following the Apollo Moon landings , the experimental Skylab Space Station was in NASA's own words:
(...) the most ambitious and long-lived manned space research effort yet undertaken.
NASA Publication 
by the Experiment Development and Payload Evaluation Project
PURPOSE: to look at Earth, take measurements and decide how man can improve life thereon. 

Skylab was for NASA an important step in preparing for future routine space operations with the advent of the cheaper space shuttles.

It was to probe the sun as the main source of energy and  evaluate man's ability to live and work in space over long periods of time.


designed to conduct laboratory experiments in space

Investigations were set to embrace as many disciplines as possible that would take advantage of the unique properties of the orbital environment:

Over 1000 senior scientists and engineers

were  involved in the analysis and the reporting of Skylab data.

Within one year of research on Skylab

humanity found more information about the sun than in its entire history up to that point.
It demonstrated the use of remote sensing for snow mapping, sea state determination, and ocean current charting.

It examined the growth and termination of hurricanes.

It gathered evidence that space affected human physiological processes, in particular the cardiovascular system.

It found that crystals grown in space were higher in quality, and in some cases unique crystal growth phenomena occurred.

In stellar astronomy experiments, it obtained scientific data on hot stars in two-thirds of the Milky Way region.


designed to conduct laboratory experiments in space

Investigations were set to embrace as many disciplines as possible that would take advantage of the unique properties of the orbital environment:

Over 1000 senior scientists and engineers

were  involved in the analysis and the reporting of Skylab data.

Within one year of research on Skylab

humanity found more information about the sun than in its entire history up to that point.
It demonstrated the use of remote sensing for snow mapping, sea state determination, and ocean current charting.
It examined the growth and termination of hurricanes.
It gathered evidence that space affected human physiological processes, in particular the cardiovascular system.
It found that crystals grown in space were higher in quality, and in some cases unique crystal growth phenomena occurred.
In stellar astronomy experiments, it obtained scientific data on hot stars in two-thirds of the Milky Way region.
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